Thursday, September 13, 2018

Interpretive Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage

 The Heritage Management Organization
Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2018
Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

Interpretive Writing for
Natural and Cultural Heritage

A jointly certified course by Interpret Europe and
the Heritage Management Organization

3-7 November 2018 (with available option of a 3-day course, 3-5 November)

Location: The Heritage Management Organization Headquarters
Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou streets, 19200, Elefsina, Greece

The key to effective word-based Heritage Interpretation is written text that grabs and holds the reader’s attention.
During a 5-day course participants will discover and practice a wide range of techniques to engage readers and master the techniques of interpretive writing. Participants will have the opportunity to strive to become a Certified Interpretive Writer awarded by Interpret Europe, the European Association for Heritage Interpretation, after successfully completing, and being assessed on, the following exercises:
1) develop a strong theme for a piece of interpretive writing
2) turn a poorly written and laid out graphic panel into a good example of interpretive writing and panel presentation
3) prepare a piece of interpretive writing incorporating the techniques taught in the course
4) edit and rewrite some difficult text utilizing the principles of interpretive writing and the importance of plain language

In addition to the tasks above, participants will take part in a range of other exciting activities. This includes a visit to the Elefsina archaeological site looking at how it is interpreted - creating a new graphic panel. Participants will also write a creative interpretive text about their chosen heritage feature in Elefsina.
3-day option
This year we are offering a 3-day option from 3-5 November. Participants selecting this option should be aware that 16 additional hours of coursework must be done at home, including completing the certification tasks. Please indicate your preference on the form.
Your Trainer
The course’s instructor, Steven Richards-Price, is an Interpret Europe Training Team member, former IE Supervisory Committee member, former Chair of the Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI-UK), Vice-Chair of Interpret Wales, and a heritage interpreter with many years of practical experience working for natural resources agencies in Wales, UK. He ran this course here last year and the feedback was excellent.
·         All applicants need to be either individual members or professional members of Interpret Europe. Knowledge of heritage interpretation will not be necessary but any level of experience of writing for visitors will be a plus.
·         Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition; refreshments and light lunch).  
·         A. G. Leventis Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition and/or accommodation) will be available for heritage managers working on (broadly defined) aspects of Greek cultural heritage (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Kaplan Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition and/or accommodation) will be available for individuals actively involved in the research, study and promotion of the sites of Corinth, Delos, Larisa and Olympia (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition) will be available for Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports appointed employees (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Heritage Management Organization scholarships will be available for applicants who do not qualify for any of the above mentioned scholarships (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
To apply for this course, please:
·         2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). Please submit all your application documents by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be no more than 1000 words.
·         A reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview.  
After approval of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation.
Heritage Management Organization Membership is required for participation in all of our Organization’s Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are (generally) required to pay the general membership fee (100 Euros).  
Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
The application deadline is Sunday, 30 September, 2018
For further details about the course, you may contact
Steven Richards-Price at  
For questions regarding the administrative aspects of the course, you may contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at

Communication Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Cultural Organizations

The Heritage Management Organization
Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2018
Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

Communication Strategy and Strategic Marketing
for Cultural Organizations
23-25 October, 2018

Location: The Heritage Management Organization Headquarters,
Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou, Elefsina, Greece
Today, more than ever, it is critical that strong messages be part of an effective communication strategy for today’s leaders. By focusing more on content, when embracing traditional as well as social media, leaders can more effectively manage and enhance the reputation of their organizations.  
This 3-day interactive, content-driven course is a focused learning experience that provides a systemic approach on how to successfully attract the attention of key audiences through traditional, new and social media. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a working guide to effectively communicate news, initiatives and announcements of their organization.
The workshop’s instructor, Derwin Johnson, has a 20-year experience as a journalist for CNN and ABC News and is a professional media consultant and trainer.
·         Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch).
·         A. G. Leventis Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition and/or accommodation) will be available for heritage managers working on (broadly defined) aspects of Greek cultural heritage (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Kaplan Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition and/or accommodation) will be available for individuals actively involved in the research, study and promotion of the sites of Corinth, Delos, Larisa and Olympia (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition) will be available for Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports appointed employees (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Heritage Management Organization scholarships will be available for applicants who do not qualify for any of the above mentioned scholarships (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
To apply for this workshop please:
·         2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). Please submit all your application documents by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be no more than 1000 words.
·         A reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview. 
After approval of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation.                             Heritage Management Organization Membership is required for participation in all of our Organization’s Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are (generally) required to pay the general membership fee (100 Euros).  

Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
Deadline for Applications: Friday, 21 September 2018
For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at

Human Resource Management for Heritage Organizations

The Heritage Management Organization
Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2018
Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

Human Resource Management
Heritage Organizations
23-25 November, 2018

Location: The Heritage Management Organization Headquarters,
Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou, Elefsina, Greece
This workshop explores the crucial subject of people management in not-for-profit Heritage Organizations. People are simultaneously the largest single item of operating costs and the only source of conservation, service and innovation. They are therefore the key asset in all organizations focused on those objectives and the management of people is a key concern for executives.
During these 3 days, the importance of human resource management in not-for-profit organizations and the distinctive nature of such organizations (public and non-government; large and small) will be investigated. The different stages of management of employees and volunteers will also be examined, in an effort to identify the key issues and the practical options available to managers who are not HRM experts.
The course involves working with the participants to surface their issues and concerns, to encourage mutual sharing and learning and to developing ideas and networks.
Please note that these three days offer an opportunity for reflection and learning and for that, active participation from all course members is required. This course does not come with a pre-established set of answers. It is the firm belief of its organizers and leaders that whilst it is possible to learn from existing research and experience, there is no ‘one best way’ that fits every organization: people management is different in every context and it is the responsibility of managers in each case to understand their situation and to take appropriate action.
The workshop’s leader, Chris Brewster, is Professor of International Human Resource Management at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. In addition to his teaching role and consultancy assignments for many private sector organizations, Prof. Brewster has worked with the United Nations, many of the UN organizations and agencies, the European Commission, the IFC and the AfDB, NGOs and other international organizations on various aspects of their own human resource management. A prolific author with 30 books and over 200 articles published, Prof. Brewster has also been entrusted with drafting the new six-year HRM strategy for UNESCO and was awarded in 2002 the Georges Petitpas Memorial Award by the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to international human resource management. 

·         Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch).
·         American Express Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for participants from World Monuments Fund partner organizations (excluding airfare/travel expenses and our Organization’s membership fee).
·         Kaplan Foundation Scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for individuals actively involved in the research, study and promotion of the sites of Corinth, Delos, Larisa and Olympia (excluding airfare/travel expenses and our Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         A. G. Leventis Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for heritage managers working on (broadly defined) Greek cultural heritage (excluding airfare/travel expenses and our Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition) will be available for Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports appointed employees (excluding travel expenses and the Heritage Management Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
·         Heritage Management Organization scholarships will be available for applicants who do not qualify for the above mentioned scholarships (excluding airfare/travel expenses and our Organization’s 2018 membership fee).
To apply for this workshop please:
·         1) fill in and submit the Executive Leadership Program in Heritage Management Application Form
·         2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). All your application documents may be submitted by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be up to 1000 words maximum.
·         3) a reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview. 
After acceptance of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of their participation. Heritage Management Organization Membership is required for participation in all of our Organization’s Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are required to pay the general membership fee (100 Euros).

Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
Deadline for applications and submission
of all necessary supporting documents: 31 October, 2018
For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Săptămâna Europeană a Limbilor - 2018

Săptămâna Europeană a Limbilor
21-29 septembrie 2018

Voi câte limbi vorbiţi? În fiecare an, pe 26 septembrie celebrăm Ziua Europeană a Limbilor. În 2018,  sărbătorim diversitatea lingvistică a Europei nu doar o singură zi, ci timp de o săptămână întreagă!
Reţeaua institutelor culturale europene, EUNIC România, şi Comisia Europeană, în parteneriat cu Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală „Grigore Antipa”, Centrul Naţional de Cultură al Romilor „Romano Kher”şi Europa FM v-au pregătit o serie de evenimente speciale - ateliere, conferinţe, proiecţii de film, jocuri, concursuri şi o expoziţie– dedicate diversităţii lingvistice.
Se spune că e extraordinar să stăpâneşti mai multe limbi străine! Concret, cum ne ajută acest lucru să ne apropiem de oameni aparţinând unor culturi diferite şi să ne dezvoltăm pe plan personal? Ce se întâmplă în creierul fiecăruia dintre noi atunci când trecem de la o limbă la alta? Ar fi oare posibil, cândva, să vorbim limbi diferite dar să ne înţelegem între noi?Descoperiţi modul în care multilingvismul ne îmbunătăţeşte performanţele mentale și face casa noastră comună europeană mai trainică.

21.09, 17.30Atrium-ul Institutului Francez Bucureşti (Bd. Dacia 77)– „Cum traducem poezie; avantajele Festivalurilor internaţionale de poezie”, conferinţă cu participarea poeţilor Chantal Danjou (Franţa) şi Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgia). Conferinţă în limba franceză cu traducere simultană în limba română.
Autoare a peste treizeci de lucrări (poezie, eseu, proză), critic literar, doctor în literatură, profesor cu o carieră îndelungată, Chantal Danjou este, în prezent, formator în cadrul instituţiilor universitare care formează cadre didactice ; în paralel, contribuie la popularizarea poeziei contemporane în cadrul asociaţiei La Roue Traversière, căreia îi este membru fondator. Germain Droogenbrooteste poet, traducător şi editor. Volumele sale de poezie au fost publicate în 28 de ţări. Organizează sau face parte din consiliile de conducere ale unor evenimente europene prestigioase de poezie, precum Festivalul „Mihai Eminescu” din România, al cărui vice-preşedinte este. Chantal Danjou şi Germain Droogenbroot studiază evoluţia limbii în lirica actuală, modificările intervenite în adresare şi la nivel conceptual.
22.09, 17.00Cinema Elvire Popesco (Bd. Dacia 77)- proiecţie de film – La Cour de Babelde Julie Bertucelli (2013). Documentarul urmăreşte, timp de un an întreg, cotidianul unei clase de liceeni de la Colegiul parizian La Grange aux Belles. Toţi aceşti adolescenţi sunt veniţi din toate colţurile lumii, nu au prea multe în comun la început, iar şansa comunicării lor este învăţarea unei limbi comune, franceza în cazul de faţă… Film în mai multe limbi subtitrat în limba română
24.09, 18.30, Atrium-ul Institutului Francez Bucureşti (Bd. Dacia 77)– expoziţie – Traducerea automată : revoluţia inteligenţei artificiale. Mulţumită progreselor inteligenţei artificiale, traducerea automată cunoaşte o dezvoltare fără precedent. Cât de performant este, de fapt, acest tip de traducere? Ce întrebuinţări ar putea avea? O expoziţie concepută de Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, un lieu Universcience (Paris). Expoziţie prezentată în colaborare cu Bucharest Science Festival
24.09, 18.30Atrium-ul Institutului Francez Bucureşti (Bd. Dacia 77)Ce spun? Ce înţelegi?”, jocuri şi experienţe interactive de traducere (public tânăr şi adult) ; „În mintea unui interpret de conferinţă” – sesiune de întrebări şi răspunsuri (Q/A) despre experienţa unui astfel de profesionist. Eveniment în mai multe limbi; Q/A în limba română.
25.09, 18.00Atrium-ul Institutului Francez Bucureşti (Bd. Dacia 77)– „Limbile străine și creierul uman”, conferinţă despre mecanismele neuro-lingvistice ale învăţării limbilor străine ţinută de Michèle Kail, director de cercetare la CNRS (Centrul Naţional pentru Cercetare Ştiinţifică) şi membru al Laboratorului Structuri formale ale limbajului (CNRS & Paris 8). Autoare a numeroase lucrări, având o activitate de pionierat în domeniul studiilor interculturale ale învăţării limbilor străine în Franţa, Michèle Kail a schimbat abordarea cercetărilor în acest sector ştiinţific, privilegiind mai degrabă procesul de dobândire a cunoştinţelor decât competenţele finale. Cercetătoarea a contribuit la elaborarea unui model interconectat şi multicultural al înţelegerii şi utilizării unei limbi. Conferinţă în limba franceză cu traducere simultană în limba română.
28.09, 18.00Atrium-ul Institutului Francez Bucureşti (Bd. Dacia 77)– Masă rotundă Care este impactul inteligenţei artificiale asupra învăţării limbilor străine?, cu Michèle Kail şi Yves Demazeau, director de cercetare la CNRS (Centrul Naţional pentru Cercetare Ştiinţifică), moderată de Corina Negrea, jurnalist ştiinţific; dezbatere înregistrată şi retransmisă de Radio România Cultural. Masă rotundă în limbile franceză şi română, cu traducere simultană în ambele limbi.
29.09, 10.00-15.00Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală Grigore Antipa” (Șos. Pavel Kiseleff 1)– Vulpea se ascunde în cuvinte, aventuri şi vânătoare de comori lingvistice pentru copii şi părinţi la Muzeul Antipa; 15.15– tombola cu premii pentru cei care au dezlegat enigma vânătorii de comori
29.09, 10.15-12.00Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală Grigore Antipa” (Șos. Pavel Kiseleff 1)– „Cum mă cheamă?”, atelier multilingvistic pentru copii (5-10 ani), de descoperire şi cunoaştere a animalelor (înscrieri la 
24-28/29.09Europa FM– Ce limbă vorbesc?, concurs radio despre limbile europene.

Săptămâna Europeană a Limbilor 2018 – Europa e a noastră, să-i vorbim limbile!
Un eveniment:
EUNIC România / Comisia Europeană, în cadrul « 2018 : Anul European al Patrimoniului Cultural »
În parteneriat cu:
Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală Grigore Antipa”, 
CentrulNațional de Cultură a Romilor „Romano Kher
Balassi Intézet Bukarest
British Council Romania
Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua Romania
Fundaţia Culturală Greacă
Goethe-Institut Rumänien
Institut Français de Roumanie
Instituto Cervantes de Bucarest
Institutul Cultural Român
Instytut Polski w Bukareszcie
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bucarest
Sveriges ambassad i Bukarest
Yunus Emre Enstitüsü – Bükreş
Un proiect recomandat de:
Europa FM

Urmăriţi-ne şi pe

Pentru contacte de presă, programări de interviuri și/ sau reportaje, vă rugăm să luați legătura cu Andrei Popov, responsabilul de comunicare al Institutului Francez din București – 0743.126.229.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Cursuri de limbă greacă: 15 octombrie - 14 decembrie 2018


Perioada de înscriere:
17-28 septembrie 2018 (în zilele lucrătoare)
Perioada cursului: 15 octombrie – 14 decembrie 2018 (18 lecții/ 36 de ore, cu o frecvență de două lecţii a câte două ore/ săptămână)

Adresă: Fundația Grigoriade, Str. Corbeni nr. 25, sector 2, Bucureşti, România (în apropierea Cinematografului Europa)
Taxă: 600 RON

Nivel începător:
Luni și miercuri, 18.00-20.00 (15 locuri)
Luni și miercuri, 18.00-20.00 (15 locuri)
Marți, 18.00-20.00 (10 locuri)

Etapele înscrierii:
1. Solicitarea prin e-mail ( a Formularului de inscriere.
2. Completarea formularului și trimiterea acestuia, în termen de o zi de la primire, la adresa de e-mail, cu subiectul: „Înscriere curs + numele solicitantului”.
3. Plata taxei de curs (600 RON) și trimiterea dovezii plății, în termen de 48 de ore de la trimiterea formularului, la adresa de e-mail de mai sus, cu subiectul: „Dovadă plată + numele solicitantului”.
NOTĂ: În cazul în care nu se va face dovada plății în 48 ore, se pierde locul reținut în urma trimiterii formularului completat.

Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile pentru o grupă și în ordinea primirii formularelor de înscriere confirmate de dovada plății.

Detalii plată:
Fundația Culturală Greacă
Bd. Pache Protopopescu 6, sector 2, București, România
Cont: 100031841313 – IBAN: RO44BRMA0530012416500000
deschis la Banca Românească, Filiala Calea Victoriei
CIF: 23989271 



Περίοδος εγγραφής:
17-28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018 (εργάσιμες μέρες)
Διάρκεια: 15 Οκτωβρίου 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2018 (18 μαθήματα/ 36 ώρες - δύο μαθήματα ανά εβδομάδα)
Διεύθυνση: Ίδρυμα Γρηγοριάδη, Οδός Corbeni 25, Βουκουρέστι (κοντά στον Κινηματογράφο Europa)
Δίδακτρα: 600 lei

Τμήμα αρχαρίων
Δευτέρα και Τετάρτη, 18.00-20.00 (15 θέσεις)
Δευτέρα και Τετάρτη, 18.00-20.00 (15 θέσεις)
Τρίτη, 18.00-20.00 (10 θέσεις)

Παρακαλούμε να μας γράψετε στο e-mail ( και να μας ζητήσετε τη φόρμα εγγραφής. Ύστερα από τη συμπλήρωση της φόρμας, παρακαλούμε να πληρώσετε σε 48 ώρες τα δίδακτρα στο παρακάτω λογαριασμό:

Fundația Culturală Greacă
Bd. Pache Protopopescu 6, sector 2, București, România
Cont: 100031841313 – IBAN: RO44BRMA0530012416500000
deschis la Banca Românească, Filiala Calea Victoriei
CIF: 23989271

