Wednesday, July 13, 2016

În peșterile marine

YORGOS SEFERIS  (Smirna, 1900 – Atena, 1971) a fost poet, eseist și critic literar. Creator de școală, reușind să înnoade un dialog între tradiția greacă și avangarda europeană, a influențat literatura greacă deopotrivă prin poezie și eseu, ocupând unul dintre cele mai prestigioase locuri în istoria culturală a țării sale. A fost distins cu Premiul Nobel pentru Literatură în 1963.*

În peșterile marine

În peșterile marine
există o sete, există o iubire,
există un extraz;
tari toate ca scoicile:
poți să le ții în podul palmei.

În peșterile marine
zile la rând te priveam în ochi
și nu te cunoșteam și tu nu mă cunoșteai.

(Poezii, traducere de Aurel Rău, București, Editura Tineretului, 1965)


(* Elena Lazăr, Panorama literaturii neoelene, București, Omonia, 2001)

Monday, July 11, 2016

Examene de masterat - Secția de Neogreacă / Universitatea București

FACULTATEA DE LIMBI ŞI LITERATURI STRĂINE A UNIVERSITĂŢII BUCUREŞTI organizează, în sesiunea iulie 2016, examenul de admitere la masteratul de traductologie latino-romanică, specialitatea NEOGREACĂ.

Examenul de admitere constă din două probe:
- o testare scrisă a cunoştinţelor de limbă, cuprinzând o traducere şi o retroversiune (texte de largă accesibilitate), precum şi redactarea unui eseu
- un interviu în care candidaţii vor prezenta în limbile română şi greacă un proiect de cercetare în domeniul studiilor neoelene, pe care doresc să îl dezvolte sub forma viitoarei disertaţii masterale.

Cele două probe vor avea loc în datele de 25 și 26 iulie 2016, începând cu orele 9.00.

În cazul obţinerii unor medii egale, criteriile de departajare a candidaţilor vor fi:
1. media de licenţă 
2. media generală a anilor de studii universitare 
3. participarea la sesiuni ştiinţifice.

Compania Fatrom S.A. anunţă acordarea a şase burse de studiu, în valoare de 200 de euro pe lună net, pentru candidaţii admişi la specialitatea neogreacă.

Candidaţii admişi pot participa la concursul în vederea obţinerii bursei de cercetare în valoare de 500 de euro net pe lună, acordată, pentru anul universitar 2016-2017, de către asociaţia culturală Protagoras.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Savina Yannatou & Primavera en Salonico - Songs of the Mediterranean

Athens Photo Festival 2016

Athens Photo Festival 2016

International Festival of Contemporary 

Photography & Related Media

Athens Photo Festival is the leading international festival of photography and related media in Southeastern Europe. Exploring critical issues relevant to our times, the festival attempts to bring together a range of different perspectives from emerging and established artists and photographers from all over the world with the aim to raise awareness and foster an understanding of contemporary culture and society through photography in all its forms.
The Festival works within an international, national and local context, encompassing a variety of activities designed to reflect the diversity of contemporary photographic practices, and to create opportunities for exchange of ideas, artistic expression and international engagement.
The 2016 main programme will take place from 9 June until 31 July 2016, at the Benaki Museum (Pireos St. Annexe). The exhibition programme will be comprised of a series of solo and group exhibitions, presenting a wide spectrum of works selected through an international open call for proposals in combination with invited artists. At the core of the festival is a range of events, including international portfolio reviews, screenings, talks and discussions, workshops, and various community and participatory projects. In addition to the main venue-based programme, the festival encourages local community involvement through satellite exhibitions in various locations in the city.
This year’s main theme, under the title [mis/dis]placed, is aimed at investigating how collective consciousness and individual identity and position are shaped, in relation to the fast-changing global situation, intertwining both politics and poetics. In particular, it is interested in raising questions about the prevailing notions of place and memory as fundamental elements of identity formation while reassessing the role that the means of visualizing can play within these concepts. Athens as an emblematic place of the current global situation provides a significant artistic and intellectual context where questions about the complexities of today’s world can be raised and discussed.

The festival continues to evolve with the times and looks forward to developing projects that open up new audiences for photography and exploring realms where photography intersects with other creative disciplines. At the same time, we work with partners across the creative and cultural industries in Greece, Europe and beyond. Athens Photo Festival is a member of the European Month of Photography (EMoP), a network comprised of photography festivals in 8 European capitals that aims to foster collaboration on joint projects within a European framework.

Vezi site-ul.

Dimitris Harissiadis

Dimitris Harissiadis (1911-1993)

Born into a middle class family from Kavala, Harissiadis studied chemistry in Lausanne. Foreign illustrated periodicals and books inspired his interest in photography.

He began his career as a photographer on the Albanian front in 1940 when, as a reserve officer, he depicted the life of his fellow soldiers and their dramatic advance into Northern Epirus. Later, because of his language skills, he was transferred to Athens, where he recorded the difficult conditions that prevailed during the Axis Occupation. As a European press correspondent he photographed the events of the "Dekemvrianá" and the Civil War. After liberation he was commissioned by foreign relief agencies active in Greece to photograph the arrival and distribution of American aid. Later on, the Ministry of Reconstruction commissioned him to record major public works and the country’s economic recovery. The optimistic quality of his photographs was partly dictated by the nature of this task.

Harissiadis was a founding member of the Greek Photographic Society in 1952, and between 1956 and 1985, in partnership with Dionysis Tamaressis, he ran the well-known photographic agency "D. A. Harissiadis". As a commercial photographer, he specialised in industrial photography and advertising. During the course of his career, he recorded the gradual industrialisation of Greece, the expansion of the shipping industry, the development of modern architecture and the country’s overall economic progress. Finally as a photographer for the National Theatre of Greece, he contributed to the creation of a valuable visual history of the Greek theatre.

Throughout his professional career, Harissiadis maintained a personal interest in photographing Greek towns, landscapes and everyday life in agricultural and urban surroundings, believing that mankind was "the most interesting subject in the world." The predominantly American influences that can be detected in his work are the result of his association with foreign photo agencies and his familiarity with international trends in photography. The artistic value of his work was internationally recognised at a very early stage and he was the only Greek photographer to participate in the major exhibition entitled "The Family of Man", which was held in New York in 1955. He also took part in a number of exhibitions, two of which were "Greece by Eleven Photographers" (Chicago, 1957) and "The face of the European" (Munich, 1959). His balanced, often abstract composition, his faultless technique, his sense of humour and optimism combine foreign influences with a Greek aesthetic sensibility, adding up to a very personal style.

Sursă: Muzeul Benaki