Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cursuri de limbă greacă: octombrie-decembrie 2017


Perioada de înscriere:
18-29 septembrie (în zilele lucrătoare)
Perioada cursului: 16 octombrie – 8 decembrie 2017 (18 lecții/ 36 de ore, cu o frecvență de două lecţii a câte două ore/ săptămână)

Adresă: Fundația Grigoriade, Str. Corbeni nr. 25, sector 2, Bucureşti, România (în apropierea Cinematografului Europa)
Taxă: 600 RON

Nivel începător:
Luni și miercuri, 18.00-20.00 (15 locuri)
Sâmbătă, 10.00-14.00 (10 locuri)
Luni și miercuri, 18.00-20.00 (10 locuri)

Etapele înscrierii:
1. Solicitarea prin e-mail ( a Formularului de inscriere.
2. Completarea formularului și trimiterea acestuia, în termen de o zi de la primire, la adresa de e-mail, cu subiectul: „Înscriere curs + numele solicitantului”.
3. Plata taxei de curs (600 RON) și trimiterea dovezii plății, în termen de 48 de ore de la trimiterea formularului, la adresa de e-mail de mai sus, cu subiectul: „Dovadă plată + numele solicitantului”.
NOTĂ: În cazul în care nu se va face dovada plății în 48 ore, se pierde locul reținut în urma trimiterii formularului completat.

Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile pentru o grupă și în ordinea primirii formularelor de înscriere confirmate de dovada plății.

Detalii plată:
Fundația Culturală Greacă
Bd. Pache Protopopescu 6, sector 2, București, România
Cont: 100031841313 – IBAN: RO44BRMA0530012416500000
deschis la Banca Românească, Filiala Calea Victoriei
CIF: 23989271 



Περίοδος εγγραφής:
18-29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017 (εργάσιμες μέρες)
Διάρκεια: 16 Οκτωβρίου 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 (18 μαθήματα/ 36 ώρες - δύο μαθήματα ανά εβδομάδα)
Διεύθυνση: Ίδρυμα Γρηγοριάδη, Οδός Corbeni 25, Βουκουρέστι (κοντά στον Κινηματογράφο Europa)
Δίδακτρα: 600 lei

Τμήμα αρχαρίων
Δευτέρα και Τετάρτη, 18.00-20.00 (15 θέσεις)
Σάββατο, 10.00-14.00 (10 θέσεις)
Δευτέρα και Τετάρτη, 18.00-20.00 (10 θέσεις)

Παρακαλούμε να μας γράψετε στο e-mail ( και να μας ζητήσετε τη φόρμα εγγραφής. Ύστερα από τη συμπλήρωση της φόρμας, παρακαλούμε να πληρώσετε σε 48 ώρες τα δίδακτρα στο παρακάτω λογαριασμό:

Fundația Culturală Greacă
Bd. Pache Protopopescu 6, sector 2, București, România
Cont: 100031841313 – IBAN: RO44BRMA0530012416500000
deschis la Banca Românească, Filiala Calea Victoriei
CIF: 23989271


Friday, August 11, 2017

Human Resource Management for Heritage Organizations

HMO Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2017

Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

Human Resource Management 
for Heritage Organizations
22-24 November, 2017

Location: HMO Headquarters, Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou, Elefsina, Greece

This workshop explores the crucial subject of people management in not-for-profit Heritage Organizations. People are simultaneously the largest single item of operating costs and the only source of conservation, service and innovation. They are therefore the key asset in all organizations focused on those objectives and the management of people is a key concern for executives.
During these 3 days, the importance of human resource management in not-for-profit organizations and the distinctive nature of such organizations (public and non-government; large and small) will be investigated. The different stages of management of employees and volunteers will also be examined, in an effort to identify the key issues and the practical options available to managers who are not HRM experts.

The course involves working with the participants to surface their issues and concerns, to encourage mutual sharing and learning and to developing ideas and networks.

Please note that these three days offer an opportunity for reflection and learning and for that, active participation from all course members is required. This course does not come with a pre-established set of answers. It is the firm belief of the its organizers and leaders that whilst it is possible to learn from existing research and experience, there is no ‘one best way’ that fits every organization: people management is different in every context and it is the responsibility of managers in each case to understand their situation and to take appropriate action.
The workshop’s leader, Chris Brewster, is Professor of International Human Resource Management at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. In addition to his teaching role and consultancy assignments for many private sector organizations, Prof. Brewster has worked with the United Nations, many of the UN organizations and agencies, the European Commission, the IFC and the AfDB, NGOs and other international organizations on various aspects of their own human resource management. A prolific author with 30 books and over 200 articles published, Prof. Brewster has also been entrusted with drafting the new six-year HRM strategy for UNESCO and was awarded in 2002 the Georges Petitpas Memorial Award by the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to international human resource management. 
HMO Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2017
Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops
Human Resource Management                                             for                                                                                     Heritage Organizations
22-24 November, 2017
Location: HMO Headquarters, Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou, Elefsina, Greece
This workshop explores the crucial subject of people management in not-for-profit Heritage Organizations. People are simultaneously the largest single item of operating costs and the only source of conservation, service and innovation. They are therefore the key asset in all organizations focused on those objectives and the management of people is a key concern for executives.

During these 3 days, the importance of human resource management in not-for-profit organizations and the distinctive nature of such organizations (public and non-government; large and small) will be investigated. The different stages of management of employees and volunteers will also be examined, in an effort to identify the key issues and the practical options available to managers who are not HRM experts.
The course involves working with the participants to surface their issues and concerns, to encourage mutual sharing and learning and to developing ideas and networks.

Please note that these three days offer an opportunity for reflection and learning and for that, active participation from all course members is required. This course does not come with a pre-established set of answers. It is the firm belief of the its organizers and leaders that whilst it is possible to learn from existing research and experience, there is no ‘one best way’ that fits every organization: people management is different in every context and it is the responsibility of managers in each case to understand their situation and to take appropriate action.

The workshop’s leader, Chris Brewster, is Professor of International Human Resource Management at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK. In addition to his teaching role and consultancy assignments for many private sector organizations, Prof. Brewster has worked with the United Nations, many of the UN organizations and agencies, the European Commission, the IFC and the AfDB, NGOs and other international organizations on various aspects of their own human resource management. A prolific author with 30 books and over 200 articles published, Prof. Brewster has also been entrusted with drafting the new six-year HRM strategy for UNESCO and was awarded in 2002 the Georges Petitpas Memorial Award by the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to international human resource management. 

·      Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch)
·      All applications will be considered for a scholarship.
·      Headley Trust scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for heritage managers from Balkan countries and Turkey (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the 2017 HMO membership fee).
To apply for this workshop please:
·      2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). All your application documents may be submitted by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be up to 1000 words maximum.
·      3) a reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview. 
After acceptance of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation. HMO membership is required for participation in all HMO Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Participants will be asked to arrange payment of the HMO Membership Fee for 2017 and book their accommodation in Elefsina by filling in and submitting the HMO Human Resource Management 2017 Workshop Booking Form Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are required to pay the general HMO membership fee (100 Euros).
Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
The first application deadline is Friday October 13, 2017
For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at  

·      Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch)
·      All applications will be considered for a scholarship.
·      Headley Trust scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for heritage managers from Balkan countries and Turkey (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the 2017 HMO membership fee).
To apply for this workshop please:
·      2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). All your application documents may be submitted by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be up to 1000 words maximum.
·      3) a reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview. 
After acceptance of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation. HMO membership is required for participation in all HMO Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Participants will be asked to arrange payment of the HMO Membership Fee for 2017 and book their accommodation in Elefsina by filling in and submitting the HMO Human Resource Management 2017 Workshop Booking Form Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are required to pay the general HMO membership fee (100 Euros).
Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
The first application deadline is Friday October 13, 2017
For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at 

Communication Strategy and Strategic Marketing for Cultural Organizations

HMO Training Heritage Leaders
Autumn 2017

Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

Communication Strategy and Strategic Marketing          
for Cultural Organizations

24-26 October, 2017

Location: HMO Headquarters, Kimonos 11 & Pagkalou, Elefsina, Greece

Today, more than ever, it is critical that strong messages be part of an effective communication strategy for today’s leaders. By focusing more on content, when embracing traditional as well as social media, leaders can more effectively manage and enhance the reputation of their organizations.  
This 3-day interactive, content-driven course is a focused learning experience that provides a systemic approach on how to successfully attract the attention of key audiences through traditional, new and social media. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a working guide to effectively communicate news, initiatives and announcements of their organization.
The workshop’s instructor, Derwin Johnson, has a 20-year experience as a journalist for CNN and ABC News and is a professional media consultant and trainer.
·      Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch)
·      All applications will be considered for a scholarship.
·      Headley Trust scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for heritage managers from Balkan countries and Turkey (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the 2017 HMO membership fee).

To apply for this workshop please:
·      2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). All your application documents may be submitted by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be up to 1000 words maximum.
·      3) a reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview. 
After acceptance of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation. HMO membership is required for participation in all HMO Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Participants will be asked to arrange payment of the HMO Membership Fee for 2017 and book their accommodation in Elefsina by filling in and submitting the HMO Communications Workshop 2017 Booking Form Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are required to pay the general HMO membership fee (100 Euros).
Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
The first application deadline is Friday September 15, 2017
For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at

Monday, July 10, 2017

Interpretative Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage Workshop

Interpretative Writing for Natural and Cultural Heritage Workshop
A Jointly Certified Course by Interpret Europe and the Heritage Management Organization
part of The HMO Executive Leadership Program

11-15 September, 2017

Location: HMO Headquarters at Kimonos and Pangalou 11, Elefsina, Greece 

The key to effective word-based Heritage Interpretation is written text that grabs and holds the reader’s attention. During a 5-day course participants will discover and practice a wide range of techniques to engage readers and master the techniques of interpretive writing. Participants will be assessed on the following exercises:
1) develop a strong theme for a piece of interpretive writing
2) turn a poorly written panel into a good example of interpretive writing
3) write an interpretive writing piece incorporating the techniques taught in the course 4) edit and rewrite some difficult text utilizing the principles of interpretive writing
5) write the text for a sign aimed at changing visitor behavior
6) write the script for a piece of interpretive audio

The course’s instructor, Steven Richards-Price, is an Interpret Europe Training Team member, former IE Supervisory Committee member, former Chair of the Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI-UK), Vice-Chair of Interpret Wales, and a heritage interpreter with many years of practical experience working for natural resources agencies in Wales, UK.
  • All applicants will also be registered (if not already) as individual or professional members of Interpret Europe. Knowledge of heritage interpretation will not be necessary but any level of experience of writing for visitors will be a plus.

  • The course fees will be 425 Euros (tuition, light lunch and refreshments) or 400 Euros (tuition). Please see the Interpretive Writing Course Booking Form
    • HMO scholarships (for tuition only) will be available for participants from Balkan countries. Applicants from other countries who are employees of national ministries of culture, education, tourism and sports working on heritage are advised to inquire for partial scholarship opportunities.

    • To apply for this course, please:
      o 1) fill in and submit the HMO Executive Leadership Program in Heritage Management application form;

    o 2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae and a personal statement. A reference letter is not required for this course. However, if you wish to and/or are applying for an HMO scholarship, please be aware that a letter of reference should come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience. Please submit all your application documents (and reference letter) by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be no more than 1000 words.

    • A reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview.
    • After approval of their application file, participants should arrange payment for the course and to book their accommodation in Elefsina by filling in and submitting the Certified Interpretive Writer course fees and accommodation Booking Form

      Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
      The application deadline is Friday August 11 2017
      For further details about the course, you may contact Steven Richards-Price at
      For questions regarding the administrative aspects of the course, you may contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at 

HMO Training Heritage Leaders

Autumn 2017
Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshop Series 

13-15 October, 2017
Location: Athens

What role does brand play in the management of heritage?
The concept of 'heritage' is a slippery thing, knotted together with questions of power, identity and control. The idea of 'brand’ similarly provokes vociferous debate, either responsible for a reductionist Disneyfication of culture or an essential and powerful tool in the 21st century. What happens when these worlds collide?

A 3 day journey to explore the relationship between brand and heritage
If you’re curious, skeptical or converted, come and join us on a 3 day journey that explores these critical questions. Through theoretical presentations, field research and practical exercises, we will work together to interrogate the relationship between brand and heritage. The experience will give you the tools to deconstruct and analyze a brand, build brand direction and strategy and understand how to effectively use brand in heritage management.

The program will be delivered by HMO’s ambassador, the UK company THE SEEKING STATE, a creative consultancy seeking to help clients redefine how we engage with culture.
The workshop’s instructor, Frances Croxford of The Seeking State, has a wide experience with branding of leading cultural organizations such as Tate modern, the British Museum, the Royal Academy of Arts, the V&A museum, the State museum of Copenhagen and others.
  •   Suggested donation for participation: 1500 Euros (tuition, refreshments and light lunch)
  •   All applications will be considered for a scholarship.
  •   Headley Trust scholarships (partial or full coverage towards tuition, board and accommodation) will be available for participants from Balkan countries and Turkey (excluding airfare/travel expenses and the 2017 HMO membership fee).
    To apply for this workshop please:
    •   1) fill in and submit the HMO Executive Leadership Program in
      Heritage Management Application Form
    •   2) after receiving confirmation of receipt of your application, complete the application process by submitting your curriculum vitae, personal statement and reference letter (which may come in separately by your referee at their earliest convenience). All your application documents may be submitted by email to Applications should not exceed 750 words in total and your curriculum vitae should be up to 1000 words maximum.
    •   3) a reasonable proficiency in spoken and written English is required to attend the course. In order to assess it, applicants will be asked to participate in a personal (spoken) interview.

    After acceptance of their application file, participants will receive an official letter outlining in detail the conditions of participation. HMO membership is required for participation in all HMO Executive Leadership in Heritage Management Workshops. Participants will be asked to arrange payment of the HMO Membership Fee for 2017 and book their accommodation in Athens by filling in and submitting the HMO Branding Workshop 2017 Booking Form Recipients of scholarships for participation in this workshop are required to pay the general HMO membership fee (100 Euros).

    Spaces for this workshop are limited, so please apply early
    The first application deadline is Friday September 8, 2017
    For questions regarding the application process and the administrative aspects of the course, you may contact Dr. Eleni Drakaki at 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Spectacolul începe cu o lectură… de piese grecești

Rezervări de locuri:

Teatrul Nottara și Fundația Culturală Greacă organizează, în perioada 14-16 iunie 2017, a cincea ediție a seriei de spectacole-lectură intitulate „Spectacolul începe cu o lectură”, coordonată de regizorii Mihai Lungeanu și Alexandru Mâzgăreanu. Prin acest proiect, Teatrul Nottara și Fundația Culturală Greacă își propun stabilirea unui dialog între spațiul cultural și teatral românesc și cel internațional prin probarea calităților dramaturgice ale pieselor, atât prin exercițiul teatral de lectură realizat de regizori și actori, cât și prin intermediul unor discuții libere între spectatori, regizori, actori și autori.

Textele alese spre a fi lecturate – și interpretate – de către actorii Teatrului Nottara sunt comedii semnate de autori contemporani și au fost traduse în premieră în România. Două dintre textele alese sunt scrise special pentru scenă, iar al treilea reprezintă o adaptare pentru teatru a unui roman: Thailanda (titlu original: Cu forță, din Kifisia) de Dimitris Kechaidis și Eleni Chaviara, în regia lui Mihai Lungeanu, Diseară mâncăm la Iocasta de Akis Dimou, în regia lui Yannis Paraskevopoulos, și Martor mi-e Dumnezeu de Makis Tsitas, în regia lui Alexandru Mâzgăreanu.

Vor fi prezenți și vor vorbi despre teatru dramaturgul Akis Dimou, autorul uneia dintre piese, și regizorul Yannis Paraskevopoulos, care este atașat deja de România prin numeroasele sale colaborări, atât la Craiova, cât și la București. Discuțiile dintre invitați și public vor fi moderate de criticul de teatru Cristina Rusiecki. Spectacolele-lectură se desfășoară în Sala George Constantin, începând cu orele 19.00.

Intrarea este liberă, în limita locurilor disponibile.

Programul spectacolelor-lectură:

14 iunie, ora 19.00Martor mi-e Dumnezeu de Makis Tsitas, regia: Alexandru Mâzgăreanu. Cu: Gabriel Răuță
15 iunie, ora 19.00Thailanda de Dimitris Kechaidis și Eleni Chaviara, regia: Mihai Lungeanu. Cu: Ada Navrot, Luminița Erga, Isabela Neamțu, Ioana Calotă.
16 iunie, ora 19.00Diseară mâncăm la Iocasta de Akis Dimou, regia: Yannis Paraskevopoulos. Cu: Cerasela Iosifescu, Alexandru Jitea, Alexandru Mike Gheorghiu, Mihaela Subțirică, Răzvan Bănică, Rareș Andrici, Cristina Juncu.


Martor mi-e Dumnezeu
de Makis Tsitas
Traducere din limba greacă și adaptare scenică de Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat

Makis Tsitas s-a născut în orașul Iannitsa, în 1971 și, în prezent, trăiește la Atena, fiind directorul publicației literare online A studiat jurnalismul la Salonic și a lucrat în domeniul radiodifuziunii. A publicat un volum de nuvele – Patty din Petroula (Kastaniotis, 1996) – și cincisprezece cărți pentru copii. Martor mi-e Dumnezeu este primul său roman și a fost încununat, în 2014, cu Premiul pentru Literatură al Uniunii Europene.

Naratorul acestei istorii – un antierou tipic al vremurilor noastre, un om simplu, care nu își dorește altceva decât să trăiască decent –, trezindu-se la cincizeci de ani fără slujbă și cu sănătatea șubrezită, își povestește necazurile pătimite, încă din copilărie, în confruntarea sa cu realitatea dură. Cu toții – femeile întâlnite, angajatorii, până și familia lui – îl trădează, în vreme ce în jurul său se conturează imaginea unei societăți care, în ciuda aparentei sale bunăstări, se scufundă tot mai mult. Năvalnicul monolog ne arată strădania lui de a rămâne în picioare. Înarmat cu umor, cu imaginație și cu o spumozitate verbală aparte, el își creează, bucată cu bucată, propriul univers.  

(titlu original: Cu forță, din Kifisiá)
de Dimitris Kechaidis și Eleni Chaviara
Traducere din limba greacă de Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat

Dimitris Kechaidis (1933-2005) este unul dintre cei mai importanți dramaturgi greci. Printre temele sale cel mai des abordate se numără viața mic-burgheză grecească și problemele acesteia. S-a născut în localitatea Trikala din regiunea Thessalia (Grecia) și a studiat la Facultatea de Drept a Universității din Atena. Și-a făcut apariția în lumea teatrului cu piese într-un singur act, care s-au jucat la Teatrul de Artă „Karolos Koun”. Koun a montat și restul pieselor sale – Lunga călătorie, Sărbătoarea, Verigheta etc. –, scrise toate în colaborare cu soția sa, Eleni Chaviara. Cu forță, din Kifisiá, ultima sa piesă, a fost reprezentată pentru prima oară în 1997.
Eleni Chaviara s-a născut și a crescut în Egipt, însă este originară din insula Symi (Grecia). A studiat teatrul la Facultatea de Artă Dramatică „Pelos Katselis” și filologia la Universitatea din Atena, unde profesează în prezent, predând literatura americană și cursuri de scriere creativă. Opera sa cuprinde piesele de teatru scrise împreună cu soțul ei, Dimitris Kechaidis, două monografii – Acting by Gender: Women in Arthur Miller’s Dramaturgy (1991) și American Women and Drama: Practices of Freedom (1997) –, precum și articole despre teatrul american și arta scrierii.

În Kifisiá, un cartier înstărit al Atenei, trei femei trecute de vârsta a doua și fiica uneia dintre ele discută despre iubire și, în special, despre bărbații din viața lor. Pregătite să pornească într-o călătorie în Thailanda pentru a se elibera și a deschide un nou drum în viață, Aleka, Fotini și Maro sunt prinse în propriul trecut, luptându-se cu ele însele, dar și cu ceilalți. Călătoria este continuu amânată, fiindcă în viața lor dramele nu încetează să apară – chemate sau nu. Iar bărbații, deși absenți, își fac simțită prezența în chipuri nebănuite. O dramă în cheie comică, despre trei femei în pragul unei crize de nervi, visând la o călătorie ce le va schimba viața.

Diseară mâncăm la Iocasta
de Akis Dimou
Traducere din limba greacă de Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat

Akis Dimou s-a născut în localitatea Amaliada din Grecia și a absolvit Facultatea de Drept a Universității „Aristotel” din Salonic, unde a făcut în continuare și studiile masterale, cu specializare în științele penale și criminalistică. Și-a făcut debutul în teatru în anul 1995, cu monologul …și Julieta. De atunci și până astăzi i-au fost montate, la teatre de stat sau pe scene independente, douăzeci și patru de piese, dintre care patru sunt adaptări după romane de Alexandre Dumas (Dama cu camelii), Konstantinos Christomanos (Păpuși de ceară), Maria Iordanidou (Loxandra) și Menis Koumandareas (Doamna Koula). În 2012, în colaborare cu Yorgos Kimoulis, a dramatizat pentru teatru scenariul Interviul, scris de Theo Van Gogh și Theodor Holman. Piesele sale au fost traduse în engleză, franceză, spaniolă și portugheză și au fost reprezentate în Aglia, Spania, Portugalia și Belgia. Din anul 2008 predă dramaturgie la Facultatea de Teatru „Andreas Voutsinas”. Trăiește la Salonic.

În apartamentul de la etajul al cincilea al familiei Papadamou se organizează o cină în cinstea întoarcerii de la Budapesta a fiului Iocastei Papadamou. Ceea ce ar fi trebuit să fie doar o cină liniștită de familie se transformă, în urma veștii morții petrecute în condiții ciudate a manichiuristei Nadia, într-un bun prilej de discuție între vii și morți, discuție care capătă în curând aspectul unei investigații detectivistice. O comedie spumoasă, cu nenumărate dezvăluiri, care nu încetează să ne surprindă până la căderea cortinei.